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Achilles Tendinopathy

Achilles tendinopathy is prevalent and potentially incapacitating in athletes involved in running sports. It is a degenerative, not an inflammatory, condition. Most patients respond to conservative measures if the condition is recognised early. Surgery usually involves removal of adhesions and degenerated areas and decompression of the tendon by tenotomy or measures that influence the local circulation.


This refers to microtears in the tissue, in and around the tendon caused by overuse. In most cases Achilles tendon pain is the result of Tendinosis.

Achilles Tendon Tear Or Rupture

A partial tear may cause mild or no symptoms. But a complete rupture causes pain and sudden loss of strength and movement.                                                                                                             Problems with the Achilles tendon may seem to happen suddenly. But usually they are the result of many tiny tears to the tendon that have happened over time. Repeated movement during sports, work, or other activities, for example if you do a lot of pushing off or stop-and-go motions, can cause microtears in the tendon.

A rupture most often occurs in sports such as basketball, tennis or football. A tendon already weakened by overstretching, inflammation, or small tears is more likely to rupture

Treatment For Tendinopathy

For mild Achilles tendon problems, treatment includes rest from activities that caused the problem, and appropriate exercise protocols which will include strengthening and tendon modeling exercise program. You may need to wear well-cushioned shoes and change the way you play sports so that you reduce stress on the tendon. Early treatment works best and can prevent more injury.
Treatment of a torn or ruptured tendon may include surgery or a cast, splint, brace, walking boot, or other device that keeps the lower leg from moving.

A physiotherapy program can help the lower leg get strong and flexible again. The tendon will take weeks to months to heal.

Achilles Tendon Rupture Treatment

Whether you treat an Achilles tendon rupture with surgery or use a cast, splint, brace, walking boot, after treatment it’s important to follow the rehabilitation program prescribed by your  Physiotherapist. This can assure your tendon heals and prevents further injury.  After the appropriate physiotherapy-rehabilitation program most people can return to sports and other activities.

Halux Valgus

The term is used to refer to the pathological bump on the side of the great toe joint. This bio-mechanical anomaly may be caused by a variety of conditions intrinsic to the structure of the foot – such as flat feet, excessive flexibility of ligaments, abnormal bone structure, and certain neurological conditions. Bunions may be treated conservatively with changes in shoe gear, different padding, rest, ice, and medications. These  treatments address symptoms more than they correct the actual deformity.  Surgery, by an orthopedic surgeon or a podiatrist, may be necessary if discomfort is severe enough or when correction of the deformity is desired.

Flat Feet-Pes Planus

Flat feet – fallen arches is a formal reference to a medical condition in which the arch of the foot collapses, with the entire sole of the foot coming into complete or near-complete contact with the ground. Going barefoot, particularly over terrain such as a beach where muscles are given a good workout, is good.

Many medical professionals can diagnose a flat foot by examining the patient standing or just looking at them.

Plantar Fasciitis

CThe plantar fascia is a thick fibrous band of connective tissue originating on the bottom surface of the heel bone and extending along the sole of the foot towards the five toes.  Plantar fascilitis is a painful inflammatory process of the plantar fascia .  It is commonly associated with long periods of weight-bearing. The pain is usually felt on the underside of the heel and is often most intense with the first steps of the day. Treatment options for plantar fasciitis include:

– Rest
– Orthotics
– Massage therapy
– Stretching
– Weight lost
– Physiotherapy
– Taping
– Night splints
– Anti-inflammatory medications
– Injection of corticosteroids
– Surgery in refractory cases
– The latest approach
“Extracorporeal Shock Wave” Therapy gives excellent results in the treatment of Plantar Fascitis